REMACOMP C-100 (AC 10Hz~500kHz)
REMACOMP C-200 (AC 10Hz~10kHz)
REMACOMP C-1200 (AC 10Hz~20kHZ)
Combination C-705 (DC~ 10kHz)
Combination C-710 (DC~10kHz)
for computer controlled measurement
of the dynamic characteristics
of soft magnetic materials (IEC 60404-6,IEC 60404-2, ASTM A343/A343M and ASTM A889/A889M)
The REMACOMP¢ç C family of instruments comprises automatic, computer controlled measuring instruments to determine dynamic (AC) magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials. This information is required in materials research, quality control and system design.
The characteristic quantities are obtained from measurements of the hysteresis loop. The most important properties that can be derived are power losses, remanence, coercivity and per-meability.
Many components of the REMACOMP¢ç C except the power amplifier are integra-ted in the system computer. This minimizes the external cable connections. The out-put values of the external power amplifier can be adapted to the specific requirements within a wide range. The instruments cover frequency ranges up to 10 kHz, 20 kHz or 500 kHz, depending on the selected components.
Typical specimens are ring cores, either solid or tape-wound. They have a closed magnetic path which means that a closure yoke is not necessary. The samples must be equipped with a primary and secondary winding for test.
The magnetic field strength H in the specimen is calculated from the current in the primary winding, which is measured using a precision shunt of negligible inductance. The flux density B is determined by numerical integration of the voltage that is induced in the secondary winding.
The time courses of these voltage signals are simultaneously sampled by two fast analog-to-digital converters. From the data of a period the hysteresis loop and characteristic values like core losses, remanence, coercivity and permeability are calculated.
The hysteresis loops appear au-tomatically scaled on the computer monitor. Besides the hysteresis loop, the courses in time of field strength, secon-dary induced voltage and flux density can be shown. The automatic evaluation of results and the user-configurable graphic display eliminates the need for time-consuming manual evaluation and conversion of data.
The application of digital signal processing techniques throughout the system results in the high degree of accuracy, ease of operation, short measuring time and good documentation. The equipment is therefore suitable for use in the research laboratory or for industrial quality control.
The basic measuring method corresponds to the standard IEC 60404-6 (digital method).
For specimen shapes other than rings, various fixtures are available. An Epstein Frame, which is included in the model REMACOMP¢ç C - 1200, allows measurements following the standards IEC 60404-2, ASTM A343/A343M and ASTM A889/A889M. With single sheet or strip fixtures of different sizes measurements on strips in open or closed circuit are possible.
Multi-turn winding adapters allow e.g. measuring rings and stampings of sheet without applying individual windings.
Complete hysteresis loop with setting of the desired excitation level for the field strength H or flux density B resp. polarization J
Normal magnetization curve (commutation curve) with automatic or manual setting of the desired excitation levels for the field strength H or flux density B resp. polarization J
Loss measurement P(H), P(B) or P(f) with automatic or user definable excitations of H, B or f
Waveform control towards sinusoidal waveforms of Ui or B (not for REMACOMP C - 100)
Automatic or manual control of hardware components (model dependent)
Option for smoothing by averaging measurements over multiple periods
Series measurement feature: allows automatically running a sequence of different measurements on the same specimen, e.g. different excitations or different measuring types
Hysteresis Measurements
Hysteresis loop
Total loss density P, specific total loss Ps or total power loss (core loss) Pc in the corresponding units W/m©ø, W/kg, W
Apparent power density S, specific apparent power Ss or apparent power Sc in the corresponding units VA/m©ø, VA/kg, VA
Remanence Br
Coercivity Hc
Maximum field strength H, polarization J and flux density B
Amplitude permeability, either as relative permeability or inductance factor (AL value)
Form factors of field strength H, secondary induced voltage Ui and flux density B
Root mean square values of H, J and B
Tables of J(H) or B(H), where H are user defined field strengths. The values of H can be stored.
Tables of H(J), H(B), where J or B are user defined values. The values of J or B can be stored.
Temperature correction: Possibility of considering temperature coefficients of Br or Hc
Commutation Curve and Permeability Measurements
Commutation curve J(H) and B(H)
Amplitude permeability: ¥ì(H) and ¥ì(B) curves
Maximum amplitude permeability ¥ìmax and corresponding field strength H(¥ìmax)
Curve fit for extrapolation of initial permeability ¥ìi
Tables of J(H), B(H), ¥ì(H), where H are user defined field strengths. Very useful for material definitions in FEM programs. The values of H can be stored.
Tables of H(J), H(B), where J or B are user defined values. The values of J or B can be stored.
Loss Measurements
Power loss: Total loss density P, specific total loss Ps or total loss (core loss) Pc in the corresponding units W/m©ø, W/kg, W
Energy loss or loss per cycle: Total loss density W, specific total loss Ws or total loss (core loss) Wc in the corresponding units J/m©ø, J/kg, J
Curves P(H), Ps (H), Pc (H) or P(B), Ps(B), Pc(B) or P(f), Ps(f), Pc(f), Ws(f)